Thursday, November 14, 2013

Concerning Strategery...

Hale Melkor everyone :-)

In addition to some off-topic discoveries (as noted by my use of an incorrect form of the word "hail"), I have also made some discoveries beneficial to my Super-warrior underlings:
  1. They, like their human enemies, also respect the Valar-first system
  2. Melkor is the sole Easterling God
  3. It is possible to get Warriors & Kataphrakts for freakin 20% off at The War Store
  4. Games Workshop was actually R-tard enough to remove Khandish King in Chariot from their market :-(
  5. Rohan and Gondor are Rhun's only true enemies
  6. The money saved by shopping at The War Store can get me more Khandish Charioteers, more War Priests, and more Dragon Knights.
  7. The Easterlings want the World of Men all to Melkor.
  8. GW doesn't want us to know what they are doing (if anything) about Desolation of Smaug :-P
All the above said, I have decided to create strategies of how to use my troops effectively in both gaming modes (An Unexpected Journey The Desolation of Smaug and War of the Ring). My actual strategies will be trade secrets, however I will say there is a possibility for me to use Khandish Charioteers to make cavalry models into pulpy messes in one turn, for example.

I am going to employ all manner of tactics that worked for real generals in the history of real-life living wars and use them for my Citadel Miniatures.

Easterling legions make gamers rely solely on strategic brilliance, so I am going to have to learn how to make decisions long-term but I already have ideas for tactics that will work in the game-play. This means I shy away from Trolls, Artillery, and even Mumakil! Just Easterling infantry and cavalry models added with Khandish Charioteer models.

That's all for now. I will continue to CARVE OUT A MASSIVE TABLETOP EMPIRE FOR MELKOR, INCLUDING AT CONNECTICON 2014!!!! Thanks for reading :-)